Facial Waxing
Full Face Wax............................................. $40
Brow Wax.................................................... $18
Lip Wax....................................................... $10
Chin Wax.................................................... $10
Cheeks........................................................ $12
Side Burns.................................................. $12
Nose............................................................. $10
Ears.............................................................. $12
Neck............................................................. $34
Armando's utilizes Cirépil brand wax providing an exclusive application method that will make our clients waxing experience a “Happy” one!
Our clients love the remarkable results and their ultra smooth and soft skin.
Less Painful: Cirépil adheres to the hair rather than the skin. Customers report virtually no pain!
Never Sticky:
Less Redness: With its ingredients and gentle hair removal, Cirépil ensures less inflammation and redness.
Less Ingrown Hairs: Cirépil waxes remove all hair from its root; avoiding ingrown hairs.
Low Temperature: Results can last 2 – 4 weeks. Up to 4 – 6 with regular waxing!
Long Lasting: Client results can last 2 – 4 weeks. Up to 4 – 6 with regular waxing. Not only do clients return, they recommend friends!
© 2021 Armando's West